
Last entry

  Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!! Be prepared because this will be the last entry of English Didactics, I will be covering group 7 and group 8 classes. The first group was Diana’s group. In their class they reviewed the time and how to tell time on a clock, but the differentiator from their class was that its focus was on listening more than anything else. They began their class by playing hangman, which I actually had forgotten of the existence of that game, to guess the word they had to think of an object in class and spell them. Afterwards they had a recap on numbers and the use of “there is” and “there are”. Finally, the teachers played an audio in were the students had to take notes about words and phrases related to what they had seen on the class.   Then it was Carla’s group turn, the topic was practically the same but their main focus was on reading, their class actually had like a different kind of theme in comparison to the others, as their cla...

Blog 3 Register 3

  Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!!! For this entry I’m covering group 5 and group 6 classes, so lets get into it.  Fernando’s group started the the warm-up with Miriam having an activity where they used knots. So, students could relate and engage in an easier way with students. Then Fernando taught the difference between a clock and a watch and then moved to a recall of numbers. The numbers were focused in the one used for the time (hours and minutes).    Then students had a little practice with some clock to check out what they were learning by the time. Then they asked their students to check down of their student desks a piece of paper that was taped, this was a really cool detail from their part. The paper had some questions that students had to answer. After this, they gave students a cardboard clock to point out the time and then share answers with their classmates. They also did a group activity where they separated boys and girls, finally Mi...

Blog 2 Register 3

  Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!!! For this entry I’m covering my group’s class and group 4 class, so lets get into it.   I have to say preparing this class was way easier as we already had a bit of experience from our previous class, although this time we had to change our main focus. For this occasion, our class had to be mainly focused on the listening aspect which actually made it a bit hard to prepare different segments of the class. I have to say when the day finally came, I did feel a little bit unmotivated to teach the class as there were barely any students in the classroom, but I’m thankful for Gustavo and Diana for being volunteers and participating in our class. First Josh gave the students a review of how the simple past should be used and how it structure was just to refresh them a little bit on the topic. Then it was Jonathan’s turn to continue, even him being sick did not stop him for doing an amazing job; he showed the students some images...

Blog 1 Register 3

 Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!! In today's blog I'm going to be covering the classes from group 1 and 2.  Group 1 was Noe's group, they were in charge of teaching the daily routine and also some frequency adverbs. They first began doing some charades with activities that someone usually does on their daily routine like brushing your teeth, taking a bath or going to sleep.  They also taught students different kinds of activities that can be done during our daily routine that were not taught before and finally they made some sentences with the new vocabulary they had learned in class. Now moving on with the second group of the day!! For the second group it was the turn of Maru's group, they were in charge of teaching simple present in affirmative, negative and interrogative form. This class was really interesting to me, as their approach to teach a verb tense was really easy to understand, even though it is a difficult topic they made it look simple. They al...

Group 7 & 8 classes

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog!! For this entry I'm covering the last two groups, 7 and 8. Fernando's group were in charge of covering just as my group, numbers and classroom objects, but they were mostly focused on their listening skills. They for the most part made like a review class of last week as most of it had been covered in a vocabulary way. They did put some audios so they had to write some numbers and the objects that were mentioned during the audio. To be honest I even learned how to say "engrapadora" lmao. In the end they asked some questions to see what the students had learned.                                . After that, we had a small break and when we came back it was the turn of Mauri's group. They began their class by having some kind of review of the classroom objects once again, although they were more focused on the reading aspect more than the vocabulary, listening or oral asp...

Group 5 & 6 classes

 Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, this is the big one!!! Today I'm sharing with you my group's class and also the class given by group 6. I'm gonna give you an insight of what we did before the main day. Our topic was really simple, we had to review numbers and objects in the classroom, fist we got together through a zoom meeting on sunday so we could discuss what our ideas for the class were, Jonathan proposed some really interesting ideas of how we could manage the class, as he already had some previous experience taching. This became really helpful to us as we managed to develop and create our lesson plan the same day we did our meeting, of course we still had some details to take care off, but everything was mostly complete.  We prepared a canva presentation and also some worksheets for the students.  Thankfully when the day finally came, I was almost 100% healthy for this class so I didn't had any problems. Jonathan began the class by explaining the pron...

Group 3 & 4 classes

  Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!! Today I'm going to be sharing with you about the classes given by group 3 & 4, pitifully I was not able to attend the day they imparted their classes due to sickness, but I'm still sharing what I've read from other blogs and what my classmates have told me about.  The first group of this day was Noe's group they were in charge reviewing greetings, verbs in affirmative and also a little bit of spelling, although their main focus overall was with the listening aspect. They even had two listening activities to put them to the test. Something quite funny that I've heard from them is that they played some of Chayanne while playing hot potato. ( I found that quite interesting and funny).    Here is also a pic of the group:  The fourth group was Maru's group, they were in charge of spelling and greetings as well, although they were more focused on the reading aspect. For what my classmates have told me, first they had ...