Blog 1 Register 3

 Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!!

In today's blog I'm going to be covering the classes from group 1 and 2. 

Group 1 was Noe's group, they were in charge of teaching the daily routine and also some frequency adverbs. They first began doing some charades with activities that someone usually does on their daily routine like brushing your teeth, taking a bath or going to sleep. 

They also taught students different kinds of activities that can be done during our daily routine that were not taught before and finally they made some sentences with the new vocabulary they had learned in class.

Now moving on with the second group of the day!!

For the second group it was the turn of Maru's group, they were in charge of teaching simple present in affirmative, negative and interrogative form.

This class was really interesting to me, as their approach to teach a verb tense was really easy to understand, even though it is a difficult topic they made it look simple. They also had one of the coolest activities I've seen so far, which was some sort of "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" game.

Finally they also had an activity were they had some kind of competition on the board with XO theme, where the students had to make sentences in the correct tense and with the correct structure.

Well that would be all for this entry, hope you enjoyed it and see you on the next one
