Group 7 & 8 classes

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog!!

For this entry I'm covering the last two groups, 7 and 8.

Fernando's group were in charge of covering just as my group, numbers and classroom objects, but they were mostly focused on their listening skills. They for the most part made like a review class of last week as most of it had been covered in a vocabulary way. They did put some audios so they had to write some numbers and the objects that were mentioned during the audio. To be honest I even learned how to say "engrapadora" lmao. In the end they asked some questions to see what the students had learned.


After that, we had a small break and when we came back it was the turn of Mauri's group. They began their class by having some kind of review of the classroom objects once again, although they were more focused on the reading aspect more than the vocabulary, listening or oral aspect. The students also had an activity in which they had to answer questions related to what they had read. To conclude the class Joaquin asked some questions about the lesson. 

Here is a pic of Profe Mauri XD

Well that would be all for this two groups and also for my blog, hope you had a nice time reading it and I hope to see you soon on our last register!!
