Group 3 & 4 classes

 Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!!

Today I'm going to be sharing with you about the classes given by group 3 & 4, pitifully I was not able to attend the day they imparted their classes due to sickness, but I'm still sharing what I've read from other blogs and what my classmates have told me about. 
The first group of this day was Noe's group they were in charge reviewing greetings, verbs in affirmative and also a little bit of spelling, although their main focus overall was with the listening aspect. They even had two listening activities to put them to the test. Something quite funny that I've heard from them is that they played some of Chayanne while playing hot potato. ( I found that quite interesting and funny). 

Here is also a pic of the group: 

The fourth group was Maru's group, they were in charge of spelling and greetings as well, although they were more focused on the reading aspect. For what my classmates have told me, first they had a hot potato activity and afterwards they answered some questions. They also reviewed some of the ways of greeting people once more and had a comprehension test for the students too. In the end some students were picked and they had to make a conversation. 

Here is the most decent picture I got from group 4 lmao.

And well that was all of for group 3 and 4 classes.

Be ready for my next entry because that is were my group's class takes place, so see you soon.
