Blog 3 Register 3


Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!!!

For this entry I’m covering group 5 and group 6 classes, so lets get into it. 

Fernando’s group started the the warm-up with Miriam having an activity where they used knots. So, students could relate and engage in an easier way with students. Then Fernando taught the difference between a clock and a watch and then moved to a recall of numbers. The numbers were focused in the one used for the time (hours and minutes). 


Then students had a little practice with some clock to check out what they were learning by the time. Then they asked their students to check down of their student desks a piece of paper that was taped, this was a really cool detail from their part. The paper had some questions that students had to answer. After this, they gave students a cardboard clock to point out the time and then share answers with their classmates. They also did a group activity where they separated boys and girls, finally Miriam had a closure were the students would play Bingo.

Mauri’s group was next, they began their class by sharing what “there is” and “there are” was in Spanish. Then they asked the students about objects that were in the classroom to see if they remembered that vocabulary. Then, teachers moved on to explain the topic and even added how to use it not only in the present but past and future. Once they were done with grammar and explanation it was time to practice what was taught students had the idea by giving some examples and later on had a quick practice on the board by writing some examples and another group of students would classify is it was singular, plural, future, past, or present. To end It up, they asked students what they had learned from the class.

Well that would be all for this entry, hope to see you soon on the next entry!!
