Group 5 & 6 classes
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog, this is the big one!!!
Today I'm sharing with you my group's class and also the class given by group 6. I'm gonna give you an insight of what we did before the main day. Our topic was really simple, we had to review numbers and objects in the classroom, fist we got together through a zoom meeting on sunday so we could discuss what our ideas for the class were, Jonathan proposed some really interesting ideas of how we could manage the class, as he already had some previous experience taching. This became really helpful to us as we managed to develop and create our lesson plan the same day we did our meeting, of course we still had some details to take care off, but everything was mostly complete.
We prepared a canva presentation and also some worksheets for the students.
Thankfully when the day finally came, I was almost 100% healthy for this class so I didn't had any problems. Jonathan began the class by explaining the pronunciation from the first 10 numbers, then everything became easier from the students. We did had a small problem as he forgot the wrap up activity, but I think it went well still.
Josh continued the class by putting the students to practice by sharing their phone number, ID number, age and also their birth date, the students got the hand of it really quickly as Jonathan's introduction of the numbers was amazing, you could see how he already had a lot of experience teaching.
After Josh, Aby came and introuced the objects in the classroom by explaining the meaning, pronunciation and also sharing some extra details so they wouldn't forgot about them, she did take more time than what we had originally planned so I had to be a little bit quicker on my part XD.
Finally, it was my turn to continue the class. I was going to continue by sharing some examples of how we could use the objects in the classroom in simple sentences, and after this I gave the students a worksheet to put into practice what they had learned about this vocabulary.
To conclude we had a competition to put both topics to the test and Jonathan did a small wrap up in the end.
I have to say I really enjoyed teaching, I was really nervous and not optimistic when I first got the news that we were going to give our first class to real people and not our classmates. Nevertheless, I ended up enjoying it more than what I thought, it was a really nice experience.
Here are some pics of us!!
Next we had a small break, a it was turn for group number 6, they were in charge of teaching of teaching the negative and interrogative form of some verbs. They first began with a warm up activity that was like a trivia related with monuments and countries, then they began to explain both forms of the verb (interrogative and negative). After, they had to practice and make some sentences in some worksheets, and finally they did some activities in pairs to practice what they had learned orally.
Here is a picture of the group!!
Well that would be all for this entry, I hope you had a nice time reading it and I hope to see you soon on my final entry!!!
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