Group 1 and 2 classes
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!!
For this post I'm going to cover the first actual classes given by group 1 and 2.
The first group was Diana's, something that I really liked from them was they still could reuse their "teacher shirts" from their last activity. They began the class by giving name tags to each student so it could become easier to remember everyone's name.
This group's topics were the alphabet and some common greetings, but before they started teaching they got into a circle in which everyone had to participate to repeat the previous name that was mentioned, until the last person would say everyone's name.
This group as mentioned before focused on the alphabet and on some greetings, they did put a lot of effort into the pronunciation of each letter as well as giving an example of a word with the letter they showed on their PPT. For the greetings topic they emphasized a lot in the structure and how they could use it on a daily basis.
The second group of the day was Carla's group, their topics were the basics of the "Verb to Be" and the use of Present Simple in affirmative form.
They began by making a chart that showcased the pronouns, the verb to be and some complements that could be added to the sentence.
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