Blog 1 Register 2

 Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog!!

In this blog I’m going to be sharing with you what we did on exam’s week, in which we gave our first grammar and vocabulary classes of this semester of Didactics 2.


First group

The first class we had was by group 1 which was lead by Diana, out of all of the groups this one was the only that had their own personalized teacher t-shirt. The class they gave was focused on hospital related vocabulary and also some phrases that are used on this context, some of the terms we learned were actually new to me, so got to learn some of the vocabulary.

Here is a picture of the alphabet soup we did!

Here is a picture of the group

Second Group

For the second class it was actually my group’s turn to talk about the third conditional and its structure. Throughout the class we gave and explanation of what a conditional was and the structure that we have to use in the third conditional, apart from having some exercises and practice for the students. Finally, Joaquin and I gave a wrap up of the topic.

Here is the structure we taught:

If + past perfect, would/wouldn’t have + past participle.

And always remember we will also this conditional when we talk about past situations that never happened but we wish they did happen.

Here is our group!


Third Group

The third group were in charge of teaching vocabulary related to cuisine and food, and I have to say most of the words that consisted on recipes, plates and actions/techniques done in the kitchen, were all new to me. A lot of the words were really complex and even some had some French influence to them, it definitely was not an easy topic to cover, so props to Maru’s group for doing an amazing job on it.


Here is an excercise sheet we received for this class!

And a pic of the group.

Last Group

The last group actually had a really similar topic to mine, which was the second conditional. Mauri’s group tried to be as quick as possible due to the time they had, but they covered it really well. Just as our group they gave an emphasis in the structure, the daily usage of it and how its based on unrealistic situations/scenarios.

If + past simple  + would + infinitive.

Fun Fact: I actually got the chance to participate in all the activities that the second conditional class had lol.

A photo of the last group. 

So this would be everything for this blog, I hope you enjoyed and let's hope we get to teach more classes in the future. 

See you soon!!

PD: weirdly every group decided to wear black for the day haha.
