Activities in classroom

 Hello everyone welcome back to my blog!!

In our last class before entering our august vacations we covered more about lesson planning as we did not have class the week before, this was like a continuation of the same topic. 

Throughout the whole class we took a deep look into how to "warmup" the lesson before starting, by having a way of activating the mind of our students, then introducing the topic, to then move into a fun activity that can work as a ice breaker so the group gets to distract and have some fun, so finally we get to create a community.

We also reviewed some activities that can be done in class, here are some:

- Activities to group people:

Name tags, shirt colors, age groups and even names were some of things that we thought could be used to ease the grouping of people ( in class I actually came up with the idea of grouping people by their zodiac sign or birth date). 

- Activities to measure time: 

To measure time, we can simply use an online stopwatch, play some music and stop it, that being by counting number back numbers, etc. 

- Activities to promote participation: 

For this we used objects. Teacher Orlando used 2 different objects and gave them to 2 students who were on different areas of the classroom. Then, he made sounds with the board so that they started to pass them to the others. When he stopped, the student with object 1 had to ask a question and the other student had to answer it. 

- Activities to make sounds for classroom dynamics:

The most common example for this case is clapping for an specific amount of time for a specific objective during class.

- Activities to wake students up when they are falling asleep: 

For these activities a student could randomly be asked a specific question about the topic to make sure they are paying attention. We can ask them to stand up and discuss the topic or what they learned in the previous class, etc.  

Just like these bunch, there are still a whole lot more activities that could be used in the classroom, thanks for taking a look at my blog and see you next time!!
